So, I have been waiting for inspiration to hit so that I could write another you can tell from the lack of posts lately, inspiration has yet to come a knocking.  I realized however that I can't just sit around and wait any longer. So here it is, my attempt at an entertaining peek into my life.
      We have been in Australia now for almost three months. And in that short amount of time (that at times has seemed like forever, and at other times has flown so fast that I barely had a chance to blink) I have learned more than I could have imagined. First things first, I have learned that I make most decisions based on emotion. I can't feel most any emotion to a higher extent than normalcy without shedding a damn tear, when I'm sad I cry, Angry, I cry, for shits sake I even cry when I get overly happy. I know many of you are shaking your heads saying "that's normal, women have hormones", but NO this fountain of tears that seems to have quite a content little home behind my eyes is not normal (and before there is even a chance for one person to I am not pregnant). This is not a bitch nor a moan, as I have come recently to terms with this, simply an observation that I felt needed addressed.
Next up, I have come recently to believe that relationships are like rubber bands. They are meant to be stretched again and again, at times to the point that they are sure to break, however lo and behold they just snap right back into place, often times leaving a welt the size of Texas if you aren't careful. Nevertheless the buoyancy of said rubber band is astonishing ( until it grows old and brittle or your cat decides to ingest it and make it a part of its next hairball.) That being said relationships are the ties that bind us, without those closest to us, we are nothing more than a number to appear on the next census.
     This next piece is directed at family. My goodness my family. This is a topic in which I an not quite sure I will ever come to terms with, but perhaps that is what being from a litter of nine is all about. (I can't even begin to comprehend the trials that "Octo-mom's" brood will face in their lifetime.) But in all seriousness, I come from a family of nine children,
NINE children, and yet when duty calls it would appear that most are just entirely too busy to deal. This is not directed at anyone in particular, and as a matter of fact there are a few that go above and beyond, but seriously come on now, no one is asking you to run a marathon or even put down the remote, simply to set aside ten minutes of your hectic day and pick up the telephone ( as luck would have it you can use a phone and a t.v. at the same time). I am not a saint, nor do I wish to make myself out to be one, however I CARE.  I apologize if this comes off as extremely bitchy, but this is serious and if gestures of appreciation and moral competency aren't acted on now, regret will be your neighbor in the not so distant future.
     Family is the scar that is left after a scab has festered and fallen off, the headache in a hangover, and yet at the same time, they are the glue that holds the hair to your head when you are absolutely sure that life is going to make you bald, they are the equivalent of Prozac on the worst of days. Family is I am quite sure where the saying "can't live with em' can't live without em'" came from. Each member of my family has a special place in my heart, they have all helped in shaping me, for better or for worse.
     Whew, let me just take a proverbial step off of my soapbox now. I have a feeling (here I go again with the emotions) that this stagnant period has been partially about the feelings I have towards my family, but that is said and done, so now on to the daily ramblings of the word-loving, normally caffeine (and Angie, just so you know, I spelled caffeine wrong twice...thank you spell check) induced person you all know as Nicole.
     I have been feeling pretty sorry for myself lately as it is actually cold here in Australia, however I know that come December, that will change, as I will have the chance to spend Christmas and my birthday on the beach if I choose. My original goal was to be in a bikini on my birthday (and with photoshop this IS possible), however I am not exactly on my way there just yet. Who the hell knew that self pity led to finding comfort in Coca Cola? I am fighting the most epic battle of them all Women Vs. Self...I am not quite sure exactly why I do so, as I literally know that I will never find myself sprawled across the pages of Cosmo or eeekkkkk Playboy (which I read for the articles). However, here I sit wondewring just how I would look with a body like Kate Hudson ( upon which I am already aware she is flat chested....hello....I work with what I do or in this case don't have), but for real, she is banging! See, I could imagine this for days if allowed, I am just thankful that the pudge of my belly reminds me otherwise. This post could go on for days at this rate, so as far as I am concerned, aside from some pent up familial aggression, and the love handles (seriously why are they called that), life is ok, and getting better on a daily basis.
     I bid you farewell
6/29/2010 07:01:11 am

If I didn't know better, I would swear you had plagarized this from some famous writer...your way with words is unparaelled...poetry in blog form. Hopefully, with this blog, you have awakened the blogger in you and we'll have more posts. If not, I'll be sending more iced coffee your way, and we'll force it awake.

(And you know that I too cry when feeling any sort of makes us who we are in a way.)

6/29/2010 03:01:36 pm

Ang, thank you for your kind words, and yes you have a way with the

6/30/2010 01:07:12 am

riiiiight... soooo, I'm pretty sure I don't know a single SOUL that cries more than me!! but, I'll give ya a close second ;) I've gotten used to it...
and I agree, family is a tough pill to swallow at times.. I love them all so much and then in the blink of an eye I want to punch them too! and then there are days, that they do nothing.. and yet I am still so grateful, because there are so many people WITHOUT families! I know that sounds dumb and sappy,(and while you appreciate inspirational writings.. i am the FARTHEST thing from that!) but it's more than true! and yes, last but absolutely not least, I too have learned the incredible value of relationships in the last few yrs, and they are indeed what i cherish the most! :)Love & miss you guys!!


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