I woke up this morning, took my fish oil tablets, went to work, had an adjustment, came home, went to the mall and had a massage. This series of events may seem nothing out of the ordinary to many, but to me this day is something out of the norm, however as of late seems to be somewhat normal (minus the massage as it was my first ever). I had to literally sit back tonight and realize that while my mind and heart may still reside in Davenport, I am physically in Adelaide. I am living a different life, with different people and different actions that are becoming increasingly normal. This first month away from home has been a tedious trip up the steepest of hills, but I have read my fair share of inspirational affirmations and self help books and  know that nothing worthwhile was ever easy. I am learning slowly what it means to find comfort within oneself, I am learning that no matter how much I love and adore those closest to me, that I and only I control who I am!  Trials and tribulations hurt like a bitch, however without these tiny indignities I would never be able to comprehend the strength that I harbor, nor would I understand that it is normal to feel low at times. I am learning daily to smile more (even if it hurts or is through broken sobs), to do what I can to appease those around me (yet not go too far), and to realize that I and only I create my destiny! I am powerful, more so than I realize most days, and if nothing else I control me!
After a long plane ride, various forms of airplane food, countless movies, and numerous gorgeous views of clouds and such, Dustin and I have arrived in Adelaide. This first week has been one for the books, I have never felt so homesick or strived for the comfort of a duldrum existence as much as I have this past week. However with that said, I have just hit the one week mark and can say that I do see a light at the end. I understand that this is a beginning, not an end. That as much as I have been shaken to my core that this will benefit me in the end. I am in Australia, with the love of my life, and my family whom I adore, as much time as it may take to find a medium between the two I am bound to do so! I do promise many photos to come, as well as stories I am sure, however until then I am going to leave it at this.