After a long plane ride, various forms of airplane food, countless movies, and numerous gorgeous views of clouds and such, Dustin and I have arrived in Adelaide. This first week has been one for the books, I have never felt so homesick or strived for the comfort of a duldrum existence as much as I have this past week. However with that said, I have just hit the one week mark and can say that I do see a light at the end. I understand that this is a beginning, not an end. That as much as I have been shaken to my core that this will benefit me in the end. I am in Australia, with the love of my life, and my family whom I adore, as much time as it may take to find a medium between the two I am bound to do so! I do promise many photos to come, as well as stories I am sure, however until then I am going to leave it at this.  
5/8/2010 10:07:25 am

Nicole, for someone who had me write for you in school from time to time, you are a amazing author<3 I felt every word and was able to grasp every every emotion as if they were my own..Hugs,miss you.


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