So it begins again, another blog. I have begun numerous blogs in the past with hopes high, and words on my mind, only to allow them to go unwritten and untouched.  This time around, I hope to fill this page with words and photos of travels to come, as I have been offered the chance to live and work in Australia for at least a year.  The decision came fast, and the emotions even sooner. In order to take this once in a lifetime  opportunity, I have to give up everything I know of as home.  My job of 9 years, my mother, my cats, and my town. Let me tell you however, that while I may seem a bit down about this, it needs to be done to further myself as a person. I need to break free of my comfort zone to move further as an individual. I need to travel, see beautiful places, take photos of  things that are worthy of awe. And I am not going it alone, my boyfriend of nearly four years will accompany me to Adelaide where we will reside with my sister and brother in law.  It just seems so very odd to put in my notice at Barnes & Noble where I have been since the store was literally built, to kiss my mothers forehead and say goodbye for a year or so, as she has been my rock my whole life, and to hand my fur babies (yes, I just said that) off to another home (my boyfriends mom will care for them while we are away). These things that hold me here are outnumbered however by the endless possibilities that may lie thousands of miles away. So as I sit here and type, my hopes once again are high, this blog, if everything pans out will become something for me to look back on years from now and marvel at how far I have come.

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