I feel like I should write, she always told me to write when things were rough as it is very therapeutic for me. I wonder if she had any idea that she would be my biggest inspiration, the reason I feel that I could sit down and tap out a 5000 page book on these black and white keys and never even think while doing it. The inspiration that she gives me seeps out of my very being, lately in the form of tears, but before then it was in my words. She taught me to love words, not just to love reading and writing, but to really adore words, it was through my love for words that I used to get laughed at for reading the dictionary, but not by her, I think she was proud that perhaps someday such an act would turn me into a phenom of a Scrabble player.
     So here I sit writing. Writing about my mother as though she is gone already so that when I come back and read this in the future the dull ache that has materialized in my gut won't flare up with sickening realization that she is gone. The truth of the matter is that I am being selfish. My heart had never truly been broken before, I know this now that I know what a broken heart feels like, it isn't the empty stomach filled with uncomfortable and hyperactive butterflies that swells up and causes utter discomfort when a relationship goes sour. No, it in truth feels as though my heart is literally broken, and not just in terms of physical pain, but also in emotional loss. My heart is lost, I imagine it swimming around somewhere inside my chest looking for home, but there is no home to be had, home has been taken away and what is left is the wreckage and collateral damage of broken shards and lifeless blue veins.
     You see, this is where I start to feel selfish, this is where I need to remind myself that she too is at a loss here, one much greater than any I feel as though I am experiencing. She is losing life, tangible contact with those she loves the most, she is the one that will never again enjoy her favorite ice cream, or her favorite tv shows, and for god's sake she is the one that will eventually never see the sun rise or the moon all bright and silver in the night sky. She is the one that is going to miss out on Christmas Carols and her brand new couch, her 70th birthday, and the tulips which I was going to present to her on my birthday this year.
     I am the one forced to stand tall in this time of grief, I am the one that shall use this incredibly painful experience to lean on those closest to me, to call upon everyone I know that loves me and cares for me and allow myself to feel the comfort of their words and hugs and gracious offers.I am the one that will find peace in my siblings, though we are all incredibly different we all cut from the same loving cloth, it is with them that my grief will be shared and understood .
12/16/2010 08:27:44 am

You know I can't even imagine what you are going through. I saw your mom in May, her Julie and I went to James and anne maries graduation. I think she was very proud of you for going to Australia and experiencing life outside of Iowa. When she talked about you there you could see a difference in her face, it would light up. I don't think you are being selfish...you are being a daughter! Use the words she gave you and you will find your way through this dark time and they will make you a stronger person.

12/19/2010 11:38:50 am

i want to let you know that i am going to be there for you thought think and thin just like sisters sould be i love you more then you know i will miss mom more then ever i got to know her the last three mounths she is a great person her been thogh a lot in life and she misses dad every day he is her heart and soul he has been the day they meet and every day sence i love you i just hope are family will stay strong and besides each other though thick and thin

12/30/2010 09:19:50 am

Yes you can write, and boy do we all LOVE to read and hear what you've written. I always said you were writing my first book for me ;). I want your mom to know that I will always be there for you, even when we are super old... Going through more hell and many more joys. I love you and your family with all of my heart, and its okay to stand tall and feel whatever it is in the moment, because both feelings are legit. Hold her hand and never forget how it feels. I miss that most and forever will, and when it dawns the day you want your turn to feel very selfish and grieve your heart out..... I will be standing right next to you in Iowa. Your Pops and Mama will be smile at us from above in those rays that shine from the clouds and the glow of the bright skies at night.xoxo

1/21/2011 02:59:07 pm

I've always loved to read your writing as far back as high school. I can say this one in particular broke my heart. I watched my grandpa fight and fight and eventually lose the battle. It was bad. It wasn't my mother.I read and I thought about my mom and thought of what losing her now would be. I can't even pretend it was close to the real feeling. The real loss. I can only say I hope her struggle isnt painful or at least as painless as it can be. I am so sorry and always wish there were words that could give comfort....I know there is not. I hope the best for you and your family although I know the best may not come. If nothing else I hope peace for her and for you and for your family.


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